

Welcome to PesaFlex! We're here to make payments simple and secure. Our app allows businesses to accept card payments on their phones. We work with Visa and Mastercard, so you can get paid quickly and easily.Consumers can get a PesaFlex card by signing up through our website or contacting our customer service team. The card is a QR code that contains your encrypted card information, allowing you to make quick and secure payments at any business using the PesaFlex app. Once you have the card, you can scan it at checkout, making the payment process fast and hassle-free.

PesaFlex is designed to make payments easy and stress-free. Our app is simple to use, and we have a friendly support team to help you every step of the way. We keep our costs low, so you can focus on growing your business. Whether you're a small shop or a large business, PesaFlex can help you handle payments without any fuss.Ready to get started? Contact us at 0743912267 or email installations@pesaflex.com. We're excited to help you take your business to the next level with PesaFlex!

Key Features

  • Easy Payments: Use your phone to accept card payments from customers.
  • Flexible Options: Customers can pay using live card scans or QR codes.
  • Secure Transactions: We use top-notch security to keep your payments safe.
  • 24/7 Support: Our team is always ready to help if you have questions or problems.
  • Low Fees: Our rates are among the lowest in the market.
  • Free Training: We offer free training to help you get started with the app.

 Why Choose Us


One time 100Kshs Installation Fee

We charge a small, affordable token to install and use the PesaFlex App.


Dedicated 24/7 Support

You can rely on our 24/7 tech support that will gladly solve any app issue you may have.


Free Training

We tailor our installation based on your needs and offer free training on how to use the PesaFlex App.


Lowest Transaction

Our rates are among the cheapest in the market. We aim to support your business. Get in touch with us to get started.


Simple to Use

Our App design is easy and simple to use. Our design focuses on security, functionality and easy of use.


Secure and Transparent

Our system is extremely secure and easy to use. We employ critical security infrastructure for the safety of your business and clients.

Our Partners


  • 01.
    How do I get the PesaFlex App?

    You can get the Pesaflex app by contacting us. We will physically come to your premises and install the app for you and provide a brief training session, typically lasting no more than 30 minutes. During the training, we'll demonstrate how to use the live scan feature, securely operate the app, and request withdrawals.

    Also, simply let us know the name and location of your preferred business or institution, and we'll arrange for a physical installation of the application at that location. We're dedicated to ensuring a seamless setup process for your convenience..

  • 02.
    What is the PesaFlex App?

    The PesaFlex app allows you to accept payments through cards, including debit and credit cards, regardless of your business size. It supports all Kenyan banks like Equity Bank, Cooperative Bank, and KCB Bank, as well as international banks, ensuring seamless transactions with Visa and Mastercard worldwide.

    It is a convenient payment solution designed to streamline transactions for businesses. With PesaFlex, businesses can easily accept card payments using their smartphones. The app offers features like live scanning, secure transactions, and quick withdrawal requests, making it an efficient tool for managing payments.

  • 03.
    Is there an App for Consumers?

    Yes, there is! With PesaFlex, customers can easily save their card information securely on a mobile app as a QR Code. This QR Code can then be scanned by businesses using the PesaFlex App.

    PesaFlex supports various payment methods, including live card processing and both physical and digital QR Codes for seamless payments.

  • 04.
    Are there any Hidden Charges?

    We only charge an initial 100 Kshs for installation and with withdrawals we do not charge upto a certain limit. PesaFlex does not have any hidden charges for both the business and its customers paying through their cards.

  • 05.
    How do I get in Touch?

    Contact us at 0743912267 or installations@pesaflex.com to get started. For any irregularites, complaints or